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Project Management


The Project Management Challenge provides competitors in this special event with the opportunity to offer ground-breaking solutions through research and strategy. The Challenge may include developing business plans, improving outdated strategies, or taking a product to new heights. Thus, the Challenge provides prospective partner(s) with the ability to receive first-hand analysis and hire prospective employees that could spearhead the relevant innovation proposed. Project Management Challenge can encompass all organizational facets (finance, accounting, HR, marketing, etc.). So, if you and your friends want to make an awesome presentation and have the time to perfect it, then definitely look into PMI!
Skills to Master

Board of Directors Insight


Our project management category presents you with a unique business issue/topic and requires you to create a robust, original solution to the problem. As is the case with our advertising campaign, this category requires that you prepare a presentation ahead of Provincials, where you present your solution to our judges. This case also incorporates a number of different areas of business, including – but not limited to – marketing, finance, and consulting.




Prior Knowledge
Length of Case
Numerical Expertise
Creative Ability
Quick Thinking Skills
People Teams
3 Weeks
Prep Time
15 Minute
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